Date: 2010

Status: produced      

Category: design of sport equipment

Client: Practicewingchun, USA



Alexander Suricoma Babich,

Viktoria Bovtenko


Michail Poplavskiy


Goal: to create a portable Wing Chun Dummy

Concept: Wing Chundummy - is sports equipment that is used in studies for applying different strokes and techniques of warfare. This mannequin is made in accordance with all the classical canons. "Hands " and "legs" are made of quality wood, "body "- from high-impact plastic.

The mainupgradeof thedummy  isits transformationfor storage. (development of this featurewasthe maintaskfor ourstudio). All theelementsare storedin atube ofrelativelysmallsize. The "Body" dummy consists of two tubes that telescopically are folded into each other. All the elements of the dummy are placed inside the folded tubes and closed by lid. Tanks filled with water are used for stability. The whole process of assembly / disassembly takes no more than 10-15 minutes.