We work on doing industrial design and interesting projects
We are not very good at praising ourselves... But our projects are perfect at that!
The catalogue «Album V semester»
The catalogue «Vodoparade 2005. Transformations»
The periodicals following the results of « Vodoparade 2001-2005»
Design a profile 2005. The best in the Kharkov design.
The catalogue « Vodoparade 2006. From old to new»
the Catalogue of Ukrainian competition of Fixtures designing "Svitlo"
The catalogue of the international student's festival of design of "Marksman"
The catalogue “Vodoparade 2009. Transformation”
The periodical "Salon", 2009, March
magazine "Bravacasа", 2009, March-April
the catalogue “ReplikaNty a new century”
The catalogue "Vodoparad collection 2001-2010"
Political weekly magazine “Focus” iss.#42 (253) of 14th October, 2011
A participants of an exhibition-competition «Designing of an interior for a museum« Height named after marshal Konev » founded by the Kharkov regional administration, Ukraine.
An exhibition« IN design 1998-2004 », Kharkov, Ukraine (a player«minimum», a player«Amber»)
A competition on a beautification of Kharkov springs, organized by the regional administration, Ukraine (2 place for the project" Sarzhin yar ")
Participation in the international project «Design of packing for Yogurt Danone », France-Germany (project 1, project 2)
An exhibition "Vodoparad-2005" (quick shlangochka), Kharkov, Ukraine
An exhibition "Vodoparad-2006", Kharkov, Ukraine (a shower "Balance", sink + tap "O-myvalnik")
An exhibition-competition of design of fixtures "Svitlo", Kharkov, Ukraine (the fixture «Calla aethiopica»)
Participated in the workshop "Sommerakademie 2006", Germany
Main topics:
- demographic changes in Central Germany in national and international context.
- economical changes.
- new landscape - new life?
- interesting residential facilities and structures.
An exhibition "Vodoparad-2007" (a project of a public toilet - is noted by organizing committee of competition with the grant on prototyping), Kharkov, Ukraine
The IV international forum «Dizajn-osvita 2007» (the 1st place for the project “Sound Solaria», 2 place for the project “Universal excavator” in a nomination «industrial design»), Kharkov, Ukraine
Competition «Future shop» (IV place for the project of an interior of clothes shop), Kharkov, Ukraine.
The International youth festival of design of "Strelka" (a public toilet - 2 place in a nomination «subject design», the Universal excavator– 3 place in a nomination «design of vehicles»), Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod.
Exhibition "Vodoparad-2009", (a washstand-locker “Rubik’s Cube” is noted with an award founded by the periodical "Salon", it is noted by a special prize from company Hansgrohe) Ukraine, Kharkov
The Exhibition-competition "Replikanty", Ukraine
A competition “Kontsept-design and modding cases NVIDIA ION” – the project “Quantom” has entered in top-10 the best projects.
Action Arts Academy of Ukraine "Art of young 2010" (project "Universal excavator" - a diploma for the best work), Ukraine.
«DIZorientatsiya» (I place in the category "industrial design" for the project "Universal excavator"), Kursk, Russia.
Finalist "Replicants. A new form" sponsors: Dobrynia "Ukraine / Gessi, Italy, 2011
about the contest>
Finalist “The best design of the door handle for the Italian factory Valli & Valli”, Russia / Italy, 2012
about the contest>
Finalist of the contest «pinwin; Photo contest: Light and Architecture», Ukraine
Finalistof the product design competition "Maniglia Nuova 2013" Ukraine /Italy, 2013
BELAZ.Competitionof sketchy design projects "Dumpers 2020 - 2030", Belaz,Belarus, 2014
Best creative project.
about the contest>
Alexander is real industrial designer and one of the founder of macosh design.
Alexander is involved in each phase of design development in the studio and also being an art director controls the high standards of performance. Alexander's experience helps accurately analyze the pre-design and market situation, generate the correct goals and their subsequent achievements.
Alexanderspecialize in conceptual design, creating absolutely new products and innovative features for existing objects.
Alexanderis a member of the Designers Union of Ukraine, is active in community activities, teaches at the Kharkiv State Academy of Arts and Design.
Alexander was graduated at theFaculty of Design, specialty of "Industrial Design" in the Kharkiv State Academy of Arts and Design.
In 2006, he attendedItalian design courses «DesignBoom» : "Environmental Design" and "Game Design".
Anastasia is a real industrial designer.
In the studio, Anastasia is working with initiative projects. Her primary goal is creation of ideas. According to Anastasia, each our projected object should be more than just modern and beautiful, but also give a new level of comfort and functionality.
Anastasia is well versed in modern technologies. She is the operator of our 3D printer. In addition, Anastasia is a polyglot. She knows six languages: three spoken languagesand three programming languages.
Anastasia is a bachelor, specialization "Industrial Design".
Viktoria is real industrial designer and one of the founder of macosh design.
Viktoria is involved in each phase of design development in the studio and also being an art director controls the high standards of performance.
Victoriaspends a lot of time studying the ecology and all the innovations in this area. And it allows her to create modern high-tech products, creating harmony between man, his needs and nature.
Also,Viktoria is a specialist in multisensory design and has extensive practical experience in the field aroma design.
Viktoria was graduated at theFaculty of Design, specialty of "Industrial Design" in the Kharkiv State Academy of Arts and Design.
In 2006, she attendedItalian design courses «DesignBoom» : "Environmental Design" and "Game Design".
In the studio Glafira works on developmentof interfaces, supergraphics, packaging and other graphics. Glafira ably unites her experience of web designer, industrial design education and big experience in painting and graphics in interfaces of industrial design objects.
Glafira was graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Arts and Design, specialty of "Industrial Design".
Michail is real engineer. In the studio Michail is responsible for engineering part of the project. Thanks to him all ideas and concepts become real objects that are able to be produced.
Michail has a big practical experience in development of technical documentation, control of the production of prototypes, pre-production process for production of series of finished products.
Michail was graduated from the faculty of plane engineering, specialty "robotic systems and facilities (automation of manufacturing processes)" in Kharkov Aerospace University.
Macosh is virtual robot android.
In the studio Macosh has symbolical and practical functions.
Android Macosh, one of the symbols of our studio, represents our international position.
Also Macosh works as dummy for different tests and ergonomics, for showing the scale on the graphics. Robot Macosh grows and develops and with the time he acquires new functions.
We are for globalization and for preservation of individuality of cultures! Makosh is the Slavic goddess of destiny; she patronizes fertility, crop and prosperity. In our interpretation it is a fast development of your product. Together with the Share and Nedolya (and in modern conditions where there is light, gas, hot water and economic storms, crises and other froth) the goddess spins destiny threads (we project good things!).
We work under a symbol of a star-makoshna. In our Slavic mythology it symbolizes birth, renovation, novelty and conceptuality. This sign also symbolizes the World Tree which visually displays all our philosophy.
By copying the site link to macoshdesign.com required.